(c) Copyright 1993 Bryan G. Wallace

The Farce of Physics

by Bryan G. Wallace (now deceased)
7210 12th. Ave. No.
St. Petersburg, FL. 33710
Phone = (813) 347-9309
Fax = (813) 347-9309
E-mail = wallaceb@gate.net

Picture taken after Wallace's lecture at the House of Scientists in Leningrad in March 1989. Starting from left to right shows Vladimir Ilich Sekerin, Bryan G. Wallace, and V. N. Bezwerchy.

Table of Contents

I maintain a thread titled "The Future of Physics" in the Internet Usenet newsgroup "sci.physics". The thread is a current discussion of the topics in this book. You can use a Web Browser to search [now Google groups here] the Deja News newsgroup archives at "http://www.dejanews.com/" for my past posts by entering "sci.physics Future Wallace" in the Quick Search entry area. The following are links to Web sites of nonconformists in modern physics:

Aether Theories - Collation of Scientific Theories of the Aether at http://magna.com.au/~prfbrown/aether.html

Anti-Relativity Resources at

New and Alternative Theories of Physics at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Phil_gibbs/theories.htm

Bryan G. Wallace