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Search Result 120
From: Bryan Wallace (wallace@acasun.eckerd.edu)
Subject: The Farce of Physics
Newsgroups: sci.physics
View: Complete Thread (169 articles) | Original Format
Date: 1994-11-29 05:32:57 PST
In reply to David M. Cook's 24 Nov 1994 post:

I have found the Internet to be a wonderful tool for me to use to
advanced the coming scientific revolution.  I sent an email
letter offering to send a free email ASCII copy of my book "The
Farce of Physics" to all the American Physical Society members
that had an email address listed in the "APS Membership Directory
1992-1994" and also sent the same letter to addresses in the
the addresses in ERIC BRAUN's new book THE INTERNET DIRECTORY. 
The book is now archived in many Internet libraries and can be
found by using Gopher and World Wide Web and will be available
from Project Gutenberg archives and on their CDROM's.  I have
personally sent out about 5000 copies of the book to date, and
have received many comments and reviews, most of them positive.

A very prominent scientist who is a member of the US National
Academy of Sciences, Gerard de Vaucouleurs, found the provocative
title of my book most intriguing, and he requested the free ASCII
email copy.  He read it two times and sent me a 3 page review of
the book by regular mail.  My answer to his review was:

   In reply to your letter of 4 April, I am pleased that you found
my book of interest.  You are correct in seeing the two main themes
in the book, and I like to think that I would be happy to be proven
wrong, because then I would know more about the true nature of the
universe.  You are also right in assuming that I would like to
resurrect the "ballistic" theory of light.  With regard to the
evidence that contends that spectroscopic binaries present evidence
against the ballistic theory, in a classic astronomy textbook (R.
H. Baker, Astronomy (D. Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, N.J., 1955)
p.414) we find the following ad hoc c constant light velocity
argument to explain observed phenomena in eclipsing binary stars:

  Struve concludes that the gas whirlpools cause the seeming
  discrepancy in the behavior of a few eclipsing binaries which
  long puzzled the investigators.  Where the velocity curve of the
  binary implies an orbit of considerable eccentricity, the light
  curve may require a circular orbit.

Fox has done an extensive investigation of the supposed evidence
against the ballistic Ritz c+v emission theory (J. G. Fox,
"Evidence Against Emission Theories, "Amer. J. Phys., 33,1(1965))
and with regard to binary stars argues:

  There are also some difficulties for Struve's hypothesis.  The
  model would seem to have consequences similar to those of the
  Ritz theory.  

   With regard to your argument "that there must exist publicly
accessible records on planetary or space probes ranging which
should be more precise than the early Venus data you have used and
which could provide a more stringent test of the constancy of the
velocity of light," the original Venus radar data was supposed to
be accurate to within 1.5 km and the current radio to spacecraft
data is reported to be accurate to within 1.5 m, an increase in
accuracy by a factor of 1000 times.  The Earth's rotation would
cause a maximum difference in calculated distance between the two
theories of 260 km for the radar observations when Venus is at its
closest point, while a spacecraft orbiting Venus in a low circular
orbit as indicated by its radar altimeter would have a maximum
difference in calculated distance of about 4680 km. This would
provide a dramatic demonstration of whether the c constant velocity
or the c+v variable velocity of light model, or a variation of
either model, is the correct theory.  The wrong theory would show
the craft was in a highly elliptical orbit, while the correct
theory would show it to be in its proper circular orbit.  The data
already exists, our Magellan spacecraft is orbiting Venus in a low
nearly circular orbit and the data is being used for measurement of
a high-resolution global gravity field of the planet.

On page 4 of the September 19, 1993 issue of the Sunday Newspaper
PARADE MAGAZINE, Carl Sagan wrote:

     "It would be demoralizing to learn that our science is
  medieval."  But by the standards of the next few centuries, at
  least some of our present science will be considered medieval,
  extraterrestrials or no extraterrestrials.

At the very top of the pile of medieval theories will be
Einstein's relativity theory that starts with the postulate that
for some undefined abstract mystic reason, the speed of light is
the same for all observers, no matter how fast they or an observed object


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